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The GWOT Project

You've asked for it. ⁠

In a couple short weeks I will begin sketching and product development for our next blanket design and the collection surrounding it. This time around we are wanting to honor our friends and family who have served during the GWOT era. This one's real close to me. It's more tangible to me growing up with it a Skype call or an email away.⁠

I want to do it justice. I have sat and marinated in it and I know I cannot do that on my own. I need your help.⁠

If you are a GWOT Veteran, would you do me the honor and favor of scrolling down and filling out a very short survey to help drive inspiration? It's very non-invasive, and we wont share anything shared within the survey outside of our office. We wont even reach out to you unless you request to be opted in at the end of the survey. ⁠

I want to know what memories bring you back to the good times you had overseas with the boys. ⁠

If you're down to share, it just takes a few moments. 

Big thank you to those of you who have already taken a moment to share in the survey, and who have shared images from their deployments. If you would also like to share images with us, you can email them to

If you've landed here from elsewhere on the internet, head over to the official GWOT Collection page for up to date information. 

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